
5 Easy Ways to Make Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets

5 Easy Ways to Make Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets
5 Easy Ways to Make Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets
How to make pipe cleaner finger puppets

Let’s face it, making finger puppets can be a real pain. You need tons of supplies, they’re hard to control, and they just don’t look that great, right? Well, say goodbye to that frustration! With pipe cleaners, you can learn how to make pipe cleaner finger puppets that are easy, fun, and super adorable. Let’s get started!

5 Easy Ways to Make Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets

Looking for a fun and easy craft project for kids (or even just yourself)? Look no further than pipe cleaner finger puppets! They’re super versatile. You can create all sorts of characters – from animals to monsters to superheroes – and they’re a great way to spark creativity and imagination. Let’s dive into 5 simple ways to make pipe cleaner finger puppets.

1. Classic Animal Finger Puppets

This is the simplest and most basic design to get you started. It’s a great way to introduce kids to making their own puppets.

Before: You’ll need pipe cleaners in various colors and googly eyes.

After: You can create a bunny with two pipe cleaner loops – one for the ears and one for the head. Add some googly eyes and you’re done. For a cat, simply twist the pipe cleaner to make its head and ears. The possibilities are endless.


To make a classic animal finger puppet:

  1. Choose two pipe cleaners. One will be the body, the other the head/ears.
  2. Twist the body pipe cleaner into the head/ears pipe cleaner, creating a head.
  3. Shape the head/ears pipe cleaner into the desired animal’s ears.
  4. Add googly eyes.
  5. For extra fun, add additional details like a nose, mouth, or tail, using the pipe cleaner.

2. Fun, Fuzzy Finger Puppets

These puppets are a little more elaborate and require more attention to detail.

Before: You’ll need pipe cleaners, yarn, scissors, googly eyes, and hot glue.

After: You can create a fluffy sheep or a fuzzy bear. The possibilities are endless!


To make a fun, fuzzy finger puppet:

  1. Wrap yarn around the pipe cleaner. This will be the body of the puppet.
  2. Secure the yarn with hot glue. This will keep it in place.
  3. Cut and shape the head with another pipe cleaner, twisting it around to make ears, if you want.
  4. Attach the head to the body. Use hot glue to secure it.
  5. Add googly eyes, a nose, and mouth to make it look more realistic.

3. Simple Monster Finger Puppets

These are so fun and easy to make! They offer a great way to explore different colors and shapes.

Before: You’ll need pipe cleaners in various colors, googly eyes, and additional craft supplies like pom poms, feathers, or felt.

After: You can create a one-eyed monster with a single googly eye, a multi-eyed monster with lots of googly eyes, or a monster with a crazy hairstyle made from pipe cleaner twists.


To make a simple monster finger puppet:

  1. Twist the pipe cleaner into the shape of the desired monster’s head.
  2. Add googly eyes, a nose, and mouth.
  3. For extra fun, add additional details like a horn, spikes, or a tail using pipe cleaners, felt, or pom poms.

4. Finger Puppet Characters

These are great for telling stories. You can create any character you can think of!

Before: You’ll need pipe cleaners in various colors, googly eyes, and additional craft supplies like felt, buttons, and yarn.

After: You can make a pirate with an eye patch and a beard, a princess with a crown and a long braid, or a superhero with a cape and a mask.


To make a finger puppet character:

  1. Start with a basic body shape using a pipe cleaner. You can create simple human figures, animal figures, or even objects.
  2. Add details using felt, buttons, or yarn to represent clothing, accessories, or specific features.
  3. Add googly eyes, a nose, and mouth to complete your character.

5. Fun and Funny Finger Puppets

These are super easy to make and you can get super creative!

Before: You’ll need pipe cleaners in various colors, googly eyes, and additional craft supplies like string, ribbon, beads, and buttons.

After: You can create a silly puppet with mismatched eyes and a funny nose, or a puppet with a crazy hairstyle, a funny bow tie, or a long string of beads.


To make a fun and funny finger puppet:

  1. Create a base structure using a pipe cleaner.
  2. Use the additional materials to add fun and silly details like a long, floppy hat, a dangling tongue, or a string of beads.
  3. Make sure to use googly eyes, a nose, and mouth to add character to your puppet.


So there you have it! With just a few simple materials and a little creativity, you can easily make pipe cleaner finger puppets. Get your kids involved. It’s a fun and easy craft project to do together. They’ll love creating their own puppets and putting on puppet shows for family and friends. So grab some pipe cleaners and get creative!

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